
When you lose your way,
Let your hidden thoughts,
Your demanding questions,
Your thirst for adventure,
Your unspeakable desires,
Your eager curiosity,
Your forgotten ambition,
Your compelling impulses,
Your unfathomable emotions,
And the voice inside
Tell you where to go.

Issue Five is 17.5cmx24cm, 268 pages, bilingual (English & Chinese) and features 10 personal travel stories.

Featured stories:

In “Half A Year”, Beata Wasilewska juxtaposes her life in Beijing with the memories of her childhood and home in Suwalszczyzna, Poland, where winter lasts half a year.
Ben Crisp finds a refreshing alternative way to lead a contented life while volunteering in the village of El Paredón in “Down The Dust Track”.

Mikolai Napieralski shares what it’s like to camp and get wasted as close as you can ever be to the Saudi border without going to jail in “Camping in the Kingdom of Saudi”.

Ester Keate discovers the importance and love of the motorbike to the Burmese people while travelling in the country of Burma. She documents this through her lens in “Boys, Bikes, Burma”.

Simone Spilka learns to let go of the tensions from city life and to reconnect with nature at a Yoga retreat in Guatemala in “The Art of Being”.

In “The Warmth of Winter”, Erin Stewart travels to Tromsø to find out how the people there cope with winter depression, only to discover a new perspective on darkness and cold.

Issue Five stories:

Half A Year / Paradise Island / Down The Dust Track / Camping In The Kingdom Of Saudi / The Thing About Solo Travel / Boys, Bikes, Burma / Let Me Think / The Art Of Being / Selfies / The Warmth Of Winter

Issue Five Contributors:
Beata Wasilewska
Jessica Xie
Ben Crisp
Mikolai Napieralski
Xiali Shi
Ester Keate
Simone Spilka
Nate Clark
Erin Stewart

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When you lose your way,
Let your hidden thoughts,
Your demanding questions,
Your thirst for adventure,
Your unspeakable desires,
Your eager curiosity,
Your forgotten ambition,
Your compelling impulses,
Your unfathomable emotions,
And the voice inside
Tell you where to go.

Issue Five is 17.5cmx24cm, 268 pages, bilingual (English & Chinese) and features 10 personal travel stories.

Featured stories:

In “Half A Year”, Beata Wasilewska juxtaposes her life in Beijing with the memories of her childhood and home in Suwalszczyzna, Poland, where winter lasts half a year.
Ben Crisp finds a refreshing alternative way to lead a contented life while volunteering in the village of El Paredón in “Down The Dust Track”.

Mikolai Napieralski shares what it’s like to camp and get wasted as close as you can ever be to the Saudi border without going to jail in “Camping in the Kingdom of Saudi”.

Ester Keate discovers the importance and love of the motorbike to the Burmese people while travelling in the country of Burma. She documents this through her lens in “Boys, Bikes, Burma”.

Simone Spilka learns to let go of the tensions from city life and to reconnect with nature at a Yoga retreat in Guatemala in “The Art of Being”.

In “The Warmth of Winter”, Erin Stewart travels to Tromsø to find out how the people there cope with winter depression, only to discover a new perspective on darkness and cold.

Issue Five stories:

Half A Year / Paradise Island / Down The Dust Track / Camping In The Kingdom Of Saudi / The Thing About Solo Travel / Boys, Bikes, Burma / Let Me Think / The Art Of Being / Selfies / The Warmth Of Winter

Issue Five Contributors:
Beata Wasilewska
Jessica Xie
Ben Crisp
Mikolai Napieralski
Xiali Shi
Ester Keate
Simone Spilka
Nate Clark
Erin Stewart

When you lose your way,
Let your hidden thoughts,
Your demanding questions,
Your thirst for adventure,
Your unspeakable desires,
Your eager curiosity,
Your forgotten ambition,
Your compelling impulses,
Your unfathomable emotions,
And the voice inside
Tell you where to go.

Issue Five is 17.5cmx24cm, 268 pages, bilingual (English & Chinese) and features 10 personal travel stories.

Featured stories:

In “Half A Year”, Beata Wasilewska juxtaposes her life in Beijing with the memories of her childhood and home in Suwalszczyzna, Poland, where winter lasts half a year.
Ben Crisp finds a refreshing alternative way to lead a contented life while volunteering in the village of El Paredón in “Down The Dust Track”.

Mikolai Napieralski shares what it’s like to camp and get wasted as close as you can ever be to the Saudi border without going to jail in “Camping in the Kingdom of Saudi”.

Ester Keate discovers the importance and love of the motorbike to the Burmese people while travelling in the country of Burma. She documents this through her lens in “Boys, Bikes, Burma”.

Simone Spilka learns to let go of the tensions from city life and to reconnect with nature at a Yoga retreat in Guatemala in “The Art of Being”.

In “The Warmth of Winter”, Erin Stewart travels to Tromsø to find out how the people there cope with winter depression, only to discover a new perspective on darkness and cold.

Issue Five stories:

Half A Year / Paradise Island / Down The Dust Track / Camping In The Kingdom Of Saudi / The Thing About Solo Travel / Boys, Bikes, Burma / Let Me Think / The Art Of Being / Selfies / The Warmth Of Winter

Issue Five Contributors:
Beata Wasilewska
Jessica Xie
Ben Crisp
Mikolai Napieralski
Xiali Shi
Ester Keate
Simone Spilka
Nate Clark
Erin Stewart

IDEA #397 — Encountering Books: Art Book Fairs of the world,Distribution and Communication
Be Water Journal Magazine Issue 02 Transforming 移形换影
Be Water Journal Magazine Issue 04 Nature 自然而然 / Joar Nango / Tromsø
te issue 3: Mirroring 镜中寻步
Scan 嘶刊 / Wang Haotian + Jiang Li