The Shameful Chrysan-themum

In this book, two images are superimposed. One is a part of a chest of a 19th-20th century Japanese leader. The other is a close-up of anus.

The leaders of the time wore proudly the Japanese legion of honour, made after the Legion d'Honneur of Napoleon, overflowing on their chests. Importing colonialism and expansionism from the West, they led a foolish invasion in Asia.

By the way, some of the Japanese Legion d'Honneur were designed from the chrysanthemum flower, the signature of the Emperor family. The chrysanthemum flower at the same time metaphor to the anus, in Japanese slang of certain communities.

In this book Sayo wanted to ask which chrysanthemum is more shameful, overlapping the two images: These badges or a part of our body? The book was published for an exhibition "The shameful chrysanthemum" at Nothing Space in Bergen, Norway, and printed at Pamflett in Bergen, Norway.