Lille Asia på Lillelørdag/Yifeng zheng

Lille Asia på Lillelørdag

Traditionally, books have been a medium for disseminating information and knowledge. However, the media revolution and digitalization have freed the book from its responsibility as a disseminator, much like photography freed painting from its responsibility as a documentarian. Now, more and more artists are creating books as a pure form of artistic expression. The Chinese illustrator and animator, Yifeng Zheng, will be leading a workshop where we'll learn how to make a flip book.

About the artist:

Yifeng Zheng is currently a master's student in visual communication at KMD in UiB. She's skilled in illustration, using vibrant colors. After taking an animation course during her exchange semester in Hungary last year, she started working on bringing animation from the screen to something tangible, such as a flip book.